Final Film: Production Schedule

I have roughly planned out my production schedule for the next 15 weeks, breaking down each job I will need to have completed and by when, from rough animation clean ups and backgrounds. I have created simple colour-coded cells to allow me to keep track of my progress, red = not complete, orange = in […]

Final Film: Finalisation

From my newly created thumbnails, I took one of them into Maya and created a quick 3d environment to help with angles and perspective of the environment, based upon the thumbnail. I also modelled the interior of the time travel agency using maya and also painted over that to get concept design. From the paintover […]

Final Film: Development

After discovering the character head and body style I wanted for my character I began to develop them further, creating both body designs as well as different outfits designs for the character. Being satisified with where the character designs were going, I turned my attention back to the environment designs. I started by working into […]

Final Film: Initial Ideation

With an idea and narrative in place to begin with, I started researching the different settings the character would find themselves in within my film, those being; Sci-fi cities and skyscrapers, the great fire of london, jerusalem and the last supper, ancient egypt and the pyramids and the jurassic era, from which I created mood […]

Final film: First Ideas

Going into this project I wanted to create a film that had a varied assortment of environments to help further my skills as an environment artist whilst also building up work to go into a portfolio. So for my first idea, my film was to be set in a sci-fi world following a police officer […]

ANIGP Write Up

For the Animation Group project, we were tasked with finding mythological stories that could be created into an animated film, going through the pre-production and production stages. For our film, we decided to use the story ‘The Trolls of Vik’, a story originated in Iceland and based around three large rock formations off the coast […]

Environment Design – Concept Art

For the art direction of the film, I took inspiration from the TV show Gravity Falls, using saturated colours for the environments as well as heavy outlines for the individual objects within the scene, this helped them stand out within the image and gave the environment a cartoony effect, making it very contrasting to the […]

The Escape – Final Film

This is the final rendition of my film for the – ‘The Escape’ project, I have added the final textures to it. I am happy with how the film turned out as it is more or less shot for shot what I wanted to portray from the planning stages of the project. There are things […]

The Escape – Initial Ideas

  When briefed with the task of creating a 30-60 second film, centered around the theme of escape, after writing out a few definitions of the term “Escape”  I wrote out some initial ideas that I could potentially make my film about. After thinking about these different ideas I decided to go with the idea […]

Stood Up Evaluation

For the Stood Up Project, we were tasked with modelling and texturing a human/bipedal character from illustrated children’s books, or other 2D sources with our tutors’ approval. Once the characters were created, we were briefed to make a short film where the character is in a situation waiting for something where they could be stood […]

High Noon Evaluation

For the High Noon Project we were tasked with making a short 3D animation demonstrating reaction, interaction, anticipation, fast action, weight and timing. I wanted to achieve a smooth, believable animation which portrayed these aspects when viewed, focusing on camera angles and sound to help bring them into focus. The programs I used to create […]

Tardis Interior Diorama

Reference images: Planning Sketches:   I found this model to be enjoyable to try and recreate, it was a good challenge to undertake as it has both simple sections as well as more complex shapes and details to replicate. The consoles of the TARDIS were simple to shape and so it was where I began […]

Textured Models

I have created three 3D models from the list provided and have used the Arnold rendering feature in Maya. I have chosen to model and texture two simple models and one complex model, the models being a plate, a barrel and a tower.   Reference images: Planning Sketches: