Final Film: Production Schedule

I have roughly planned out my production schedule for the next 15 weeks, breaking down each job I will need to have completed and by when, from rough animation clean ups and backgrounds. I have created simple colour-coded cells to allow me to keep track of my progress, red = not complete, orange = in […]

Final Film: Finalisation

From my newly created thumbnails, I took one of them into Maya and created a quick 3d environment to help with angles and perspective of the environment, based upon the thumbnail. I also modelled the interior of the time travel agency using maya and also painted over that to get concept design. From the paintover […]

Final Film: Development

After discovering the character head and body style I wanted for my character I began to develop them further, creating both body designs as well as different outfits designs for the character. Being satisified with where the character designs were going, I turned my attention back to the environment designs. I started by working into […]

Final Film: Initial Ideation

With an idea and narrative in place to begin with, I started researching the different settings the character would find themselves in within my film, those being; Sci-fi cities and skyscrapers, the great fire of london, jerusalem and the last supper, ancient egypt and the pyramids and the jurassic era, from which I created mood […]

Final film: First Ideas

Going into this project I wanted to create a film that had a varied assortment of environments to help further my skills as an environment artist whilst also building up work to go into a portfolio. So for my first idea, my film was to be set in a sci-fi world following a police officer […]